By default, a symbol inserted into a wall will use an automatically-created “wall hole” (i.e. the volume subtracted from the 3D wall), though if your symbol includes things that extend beyond the wall opening, such as casing/trim, then you need to manually define the wall hole.
Right click the symbol and choose “Edit 3D Wall Hole Component.” This Component is currently empty, and the goal is to add a 3D object that will act like a “Subtract Solid” from any walls the symbol is inserted into.
You should be able to see the 3D Component of your symbol in grey which you can use as a guide (if not turn on “Show Other Objects While in Edit Modes”). In top view, draw a rectangle that snaps to the outer corners of the jamb, then extrude it upwards to match the opening (in this case 7’-1½”). Check in 3D that this object matches the intended opening.
Sometimes it can be easier to simply copy the 3D jamb from your symbol’s 3D Component, then go into 3D Wall Hole Component and Edit > Paste In Place. This can then be used as reference for creating the wall hole object, or can be used directly by modifying the extrude as needed.
Any 3D shape placed in the 3D Wall Hole Component will be subtracted from the wall, so the specifics will always depend on the design of the unit and may be more complex.