Royal Caribbean Productions
Working with production designers Gerry Hariton and Vicki Baral I created construction drawings, color renderings, paint elevations, and other design elements for numerous productions aboard Royal Caribbean cruise ships. Below are some of my favorites, all created in Vectorworks and Photoshop. Content in this section is property of Hariton-Baral Design and Royal Caribbean Entertainment Productions.

Drafting and 3D model of the International Space Station Unit for Flight (Symphony of the Seas), created in Vectorworks. Forced perspective graphics created in Photoshop. This unit tracked on and off stage, rotated 15° to either side, had discreet tracks for suspended “weightless” performers, and had numerous panels of knobs, switches, and lights all based on panels within the real ISS. When aligned with the LED video backdrop which created a digital extension of the ISS solar panels, it created a spectacular illusion of floating in space.

Drafting, 3D model, and rendering of the main scenic unit for Columbus: The Musical! (Harmony of the Seas), created in Vectorworks. This 38’ sailing ship set piece would track onstage, rotate 360°, and open up to reveal rooms and compartments. It also had integrating lighting & electronics, hydraulic platforms, and operable sails. This was all planned in detail in the 3D model.

Drafting of scenic units for Name That Tune interactive game show (Quantum of the Seas & Anthem of the Seas).
Created in Vectorworks.

Other various color renderings & paint elevations.
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson

This production transformed the Claire Trevor Theatre into an abandoned warehouse taken over by activists as a space for a socio-political performance/rally. The junk from around the warehouse transformed into props and furniture, lending a grassroots aesthetic to the production. Inspiration was taken from various political eras and movements, including Occupy Wall Street.
1/2" = 1'-0" scale analog model


Rent takes place in Alphabet City in the early 1990s, and our set conveyed the never-ending expanse of New York City with buildings, fire escapes, and ladders extending out of sight in all directions. At the same time it was important to reflect the tightly-knit family formed by the characters, with personal touches interwoven throughout the set. Graffiti and street art supported themes and locations in the show, such as the moon motif appearing within the water tower’s graffiti when lit in a certain way, and a large painted cross on the tall building establishing the church scene.

Based on the Virginia Woolf novel of the same name, Sarah Ruhl's Orlando examines identity, time, and gender by following an English nobleman who lives for hundreds of years before falling asleep and waking up as a woman.
This production took place entirely on the stage of the Claire Trevor Theatre, normally a 287-seat proscenium space. Placing the audience on stage allowed us to create a deep yet intimate environment for this quirky play.
Brilliant Traces

Brilliant Traces is a play about a woman who finds herself at the doorstep of a reclusive young man in the middle of the Alaskan Wilderness, just days after she was supposed to be married. The text is an intimate examination of the human spirit, and this production was set in an equally intimate venue, with only 200 sq. ft. of playing space.
Christopher Durang Plays
Initial sketch for two Christopher Durang plays sharing the same set in the Frederick Loewe Theatre in Redlands, CA. Hand sketch + Photoshop.
Physical Models